Wellness & Preventive Care

Wellness & Preventive Care

Boost your pet's health with proactive services, from effective parasite control to dental health maintenance.

Parasite Control
Pet Dental Care

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About Wellness & Preventive Care

Wellness & Preventive Care at our vet hospital focuses on maintaining the health and well-being of pets through comprehensive parasite control and dental care. These preventive measures are crucial for not only the physical health of the pets but also for minimizing risks to human health. The category emphasizes the importance of year-round prevention programs and regular dental examinations to ensure the longevity and happiness of your furry family members.

Parasite Control

Parasite control is an integral part of pet healthcare, addressing both external (ectoparasites) and internal (endoparasites) parasites. The emphasis is on preventing infestations that can adversely affect pets and pose risks to human health. Various parasites, such as fleas, ticks, roundworms, and heartworms, are discussed.

What's Included?

  • Ectoparasite prevention (fleas and ticks)
  • Endoparasite prevention (roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms)
  • Awareness of zoonotic risks and preventive measures
  • Information on heartworm prevention
  • Guidance on maintaining a parasite prevention program
  • Recommendations for hygiene practices to minimize zoonotic risks


Pet Dental Care

Pet dental care addresses the commonly overlooked issue of dental disease in companion animals. Periodontal disease is highlighted as a significant concern leading to dental problems and potential organ damage. The category emphasizes regular oral health assessments and discusses both home dental care measures and professional dental procedures.

What's Included?

  • Identification and assessment of periodontal disease
  • Recommendations for home dental health care
  • Explanation of professional dental care procedures (COHAT)
  • Involvement of general anesthesia for dental procedures
  • Procedures such as teeth cleaning, polishing, charting, and extractions when necessary
  • Post-dental care instructions and medication information

Why is year-round parasite prevention necessary for my pet?

Year-round prevention is crucial to protect your pet from both external and internal parasites. It minimizes the risk of diseases and ensures the well-being of your pet and family.

What are zoonotic risks, and how can I minimize them?

Zoonotic risks refer to diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. To minimize these risks, practice good hygiene, avoid consuming unwashed raw food, and promptly clean up pet feces.

How can I tell if my pet has dental problems?

Regular oral health assessments during veterinary check-ups are essential to identify dental problems. Look for signs such as bad breath, difficulty eating, or pawing at the mouth.

Why is anesthesia necessary for professional dental care?

Anesthesia ensures the safety and comfort of the pet during dental procedures, allowing for thorough examination, cleaning, and any necessary extractions.

What can I do at home to maintain my pet's dental health?

Home dental care measures include regular tooth brushing, dental treats and rinses, and specialized dental diets. These practices contribute to preventing the onset of dental disease.

Is dental care only about preventing tooth loss, or does it have broader health implications?

Dental care is essential not only for preventing tooth loss but also for avoiding potential damage to vital organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys. Good oral health contributes to overall well-being.